The Child Safe Standards recommended by the Royal Commission provide a framework for making organisations safer for children. They have been accepted by the NSW government. Based on extensive research and consultation, the Standards provide tangible guidance for organisations to create cultures, adopt strategies and act to put the interests of children first, to keep them safe from harm.
These values are at the heart of our approach that prioritises the children's safety
The 10 Child Safe Standards are:
Child safety is embedded in institutional leadership, governance and culture
Children participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously
Families and communities are informed and involved
Equity is upheld and diverse needs are taken into account
People working with children are suitable and supported
Processes to respond to complaints of child sexual abuse are child-focused
Staff are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children safe through continual education and training
Physical and online environments minimise the opportunity for abuse to occur
Implementation of the Child Safe Standards is continuously reviewed and improved
Policies and procedures document how the institution is child safe.
The Office of the Children’s Guardian is an independent statutory body that promotes the interests, safety and rights of children and young people in NSW. The core functions of the Office of the Children’s Guardian include administering Working With Children Checks, Reportable Conduct Scheme and implementation of the Child Safe Standards.
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